Get Started

Ready to get real?

Office Picture

Location: Menlo Park

Who’s a Good Fit for This Group
Ages 22-35. In grade school, you were told you were a “gifted” student. Smart and “going places.” You had such great expectations placed on you by others, maybe yourself. Nowadays, you feel as though you have to defend your career or life choices if you’re not a doctor, surgeon, CEO, etc. You feel disappointed, sad, confused, stressed, “not enough.” You are tired of hearing this, feeling this, having to defend yourself. You enjoy the work or the place that your at in life most of the time and hate questioning yourself when others do. You’re wanting to join a group of others that have similar experiences and learn to shake off these expectations and find joy.

Who’s Not a Good Fit for This Group
If you’re struggling with finding joy or pride in your career/life, it would be more helpful to seek out individual therapy first to build a foundation prior to joining us in this group. If you have followed in your families footsteps, are successful in this career, this would not be the best group for you.
Dates & Fees
Group sessions start Friday, March 29 2-3:30pm. $75 fee per session. We will meet weekly on Fridays for 4 months then will break for 2 weeks to allow for time to implement skills learned and growth made. We will then start a new round.

Get in touch

(650) 503-9142